RaveShield Blog

Filtered by tag ('rave')

PVC Pipes + Two Thongs = Awesome Techno Music!

 by raveshield on 07 Jan 2016 |
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When he was a young boy, his mother smacked him on the head with a thong while he was busking...and that's how he made his first mixtape!  

RaveBOX is Here!

 by raveshield on 13 Nov 2015 |
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What is RaveBOX? Well, breaking down the name it seems like it is a box you might take to a rave. Obvious right? Not ex...
Recent Blog Posts

Chinese boy raving

on 12 Jan 2016

Raving Religiously

on 12 Jan 2016

Thats how you crush it!

on 12 Jan 2016